AJMC: Reported Expenses of AIM ACOs By Type of Care Input, 2016 through 2018

  1. Personnel: 55.5%
  2. Infrastructure: 22.3%
  3. Management firm expenses: 15.3%
  4. Internal programs and systems: 6.9%
Notes: ACO Investment Model (AIM) ACOs reported expenses of $264.8 million over 3 performance years (2016-2018). From an article entitled, "An Analysis of Medicare Accountable Care Organization Expense Reports," by Catherine Hersey, MPH; J. Michael McWilliams, MD, PhD;, Betty Fout, PhD; Matthew J. Trombley, PhD; Lauren Scarpati, PhD.

Source: The American Journal of Managed Care, December 2, 2021 - https://www.ajmc.com/view/an-analysis-of-medicare-accountable-care-organization…